Friday Five: Sum

Friday, December 28, 2012
This week's Friday Five:
  1. Who stands out among people you met in 2012? Jack. I only met him this summer, but it feels like I've known him forever.
  2. What new interest did you discover in 2012? It's not really a new interest, but more of a renewed interest in reading novels. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that this was the first year in many years that I didn't have school, so I can actually enjoy reading books instead of seeing it as a chore.
  3. In what way was 2012 better than 2011? I think I learned a lot more about myself and matured in a different way. I know when to cut my losses and when to persevere, when something is worth fighting for and when something isn't.
  4. What small, symbolic item might serve as a good souvenir for 2012? This is going to sound weird, but my Tory Burch flats that I got in New York this Spring. I wore them pretty much every single day from the day I bought them until the day it was too cold to wear flats (which was in, like, October). That pair of shoes was the one constant during a period of turbulence in my life.
  5. Many years from now, what song, when you hear it on the radio, will remind you most of 2012? Ellie Goulding's "Lights" and any remix of that song. It was released a couple years ago, but it was the most played song for me this year, both on my own playlists and on the radio. And I still love it to this day, despite being so overplayed.
6 comments on "Friday Five: Sum"
  1. Your life shoes! You found them! Good constants are really important, be it shoes or people or songs. :D

    1. LOL, life shoes. That's one way to put it. :)

      I'm going to be really sad when they inevitably break. :( I already see the tear forming. LE SIGH. What if I don't find another pair of life shoes?!

    2. You should probably stock up on these if they're still being sold. I wouldn't normally advise buying BACKUPS OF SHOES, but I've done so in the past and was actually really glad. It's hard to find good shoes that fit well and look nice.

    3. I think I should buy a back-up pair, too. JUST IN CASE THEY DISCONTINUE THEM. And then I would be SO SAD. :(

      Maybe I should buy them in different colours, too. Damn Tory Burch for being so expensive!!!!

  2. Was that Jack you introduced me to when we last met up?

    Also, you have been reading up a TON!! Good for you :-D

    1. The big white guy? LOL, no, that's Ben, my BFF. :)

      And thanks, I've been trying to read more... But I've been a lot busier lately so I haven't finished many books lately. At one point, I was reading like, three novels a week. :P


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