Friday Five: In Your Head! In Your Head!

Friday, August 4, 2017
This week's Friday Five:
  1. Which mythical monster would you most enjoy discovering (first- or second-hand) is real? Unicorns, obviously. Or maybe mermaids, but I've read that they're real sneaky bitches so I would only like to discover them, but not actually interact with them.

  2. When did you last exhibit monstrous behaviour? I guess when I'm hangry and finally get to eat, I scarf down food pretty monstrously. Otherwise, I'm pretty level-headed. Don't get me wrong, I'll get pretty heated in arguments or debates, but I wouldn't describe that behaviour as monstrous. I don't really do hissy fits or screaming.

  3. What do you think of monster trucks? Completely indifferent. I actually don't really think about monster trucks unless it's purposely brought up, like in this question.

  4. If you like monster movies, what's a monster movie you dislike? And if you dislike them, what's a monster movie you like? I'm generally not a big fan of monster movies (like GodzillaKing KongAliens, etc.), nor do I have any interest in them. That having been said, I do like a lot of movies that feature monsters, like Pan's Labyrinth or the Harry Potter series.

  5. What song about a monster (or with the word monster in the title) do you really like? I've been loving Lovedrug's cover of The Cranberries' "Zombie." I heard it on an episode of iZombie and became pretty obsessed with it.

    But my favourite song with the word in the title?

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