Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 487

Monday, August 7, 2017
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. Last time you shampooed your hair? Yesterday. I'm one of those weirdos who washes her hair everyday. I know it's not actually healthy to shampoo daily, but my scalp is so used to it that my hair gets really limp and greasy if I don't.

  2. Last time you went to the beach? A few years ago. A bunch of us went to the Scarborough Bluffs at night and made a bonfire on the beach. We didn't actually do anything but sit around that fire. And it was too dark to take any decent photos. So, really quite boring.

  3. Last really delicious meal you had? We had tacos, ribs, and sausages for dinner yesterday for our last meal at the cottage, and it was so freaking good.

  4. Last person you spoke to before falling asleep last night? My friend Ronsee. The two of us decided to leave the cottage earlier so we could have today to run errands before going back to work tomorrow (Chelsea and Corrado are leaving today). We left the cottage around 1:00 in the morning and I didn't get home until 4:30 (not because it takes that long to drive back, but we made a detour to get fries at McDonald's), so he was the last person I talked to and texted before passing out at 5:30.

  5. Last awesome thing that happened to you? Having a long weekend off from work and getting it to relax up north with my friends. I don't think we've ever been able to all spend a full weekend together. One of us always has work or already has plans or has to spend it with family, so it's a rare occurrence for us.
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